RCB Bank: Celebrating 25 years in a spirit of solidarity
RCB Bank is proud to announce that, true to its firm commitment to support human life in all its aspects, it chose to celebrate its 25th anniversary by donating an amount of €100,000 to four charities. The donation will be divided among the following four Cyprus foundations which will benefit with the symbolic amount of €25,000 each: The Independent Social Support Body, the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (CING), FONI (the Council of National Policy on preventing the abuse of children) and the Sophia Foundation for children.
These four charity organizations represent the very future of Cyprus as they involve the well-being, protection and education of the new generation of the country as well as research for better medical days. This important donation that celebrates 25 years since the establishment of RCB Bank in Cyprus, follows the previous important gesture of donating 12 medical ventilators to the health authorities in an effort to enhance of dealing with COVID-19.
Commenting on RCB Bank’s support to these four charities, the CEO of RCB Bank Dr. Kirill Zimarin expressed the opinion that there is no better way to celebrate this important milestone in the Bank’s history than by supporting causes that safeguard the country’s future and noted: “A quarter of a century since its founding, RCB Bank is now an integral part of the Cypriot society and we are therefore pleased that we will be enhancing the notable efforts that these four charities are making and their important work that they are conducting in their respective fields. During the last 15 years that I have been the CEO of RCB Bank, we have proceeded with donating more than 8 million Euros to a great number of charities and local communities, which is indicative of our commitment to make a tangible contribution for a better and viable Cyprus society”.
In 1995, RCB Bank Ltd, obtained a banking license from the Central Bank of Cyprus. Over the last decades, RCB Bank worked tirelessly and with consistency and dedication to become one of the leading Cypriot banking institutions and a trusted partner to Cypriot businesses. Today, the Bank offers tailored solutions to corporate clients and supports small and medium sized enterprises, making available competitive lending solutions on favorable terms for Cypriot companies. With more than 10,000 collaborators, RCB Bank fully supports its clients and the country alike in continuing its growth, its technological advancement through the innovative digital products and services it provides and in weathering storms like the one the globe is facing today.